

How to make a perfect Espresso


Written by John Doe

June 09, 2020


Espresso is made by forcing hot water (not boiling water) under pressure through a "puck" of finely ground coffee. The finer the grind, the denser the puck, hence the more pressure required to force the water through it. The most important rule of making perfect espresso is that the pressure used should push the water through the coffee puck in 25-30 seconds. If it takes longer than this, the espresso will be bitter.


Follow these general guidelines to succeed with your espresso

– Espresso Machine
– Grinder
– Scale
– Portafilter
– Tamper
– FILTERED Water (bad quality water can affect the taste of your espresso and even damage your machine)
– Cup
– Fresh Quality Coffee
– Timer

Be sure to preheat your machine and portafilter before using it.

Step 1: Grind
Always grind fresh whole beans right before brewing [this goes for any and every brew method]. The grind texture is an important aspect of shot quality. Too fine a grind will cause a slow, over-extracted shot that can taste bitter and burnt. Too coarse a grind will result in an under-extracted shot that is weak, watery and tastes sour.

The ideal grind texture you are looking for is something similar to that of granulated sugar, but to know for sure, you will need to test out your grinder and machine.

Step 2: Dose
The dose refers to the amount of coffee you will need to fill the portafilter to make your espresso shot. The dose for a “double-shot” [the most common way espresso is made] should be between 14 – 18 grams (this also depends on your espresso machine and personal preference).

Step 3: Tamp
Tamping ensures uniformity of extraction by leveling and packing the grounds to ensure equal and consistent water contact is forced through the coffee. The proper tamp method is to hold your elbow at 90 degrees, rest your portafilter on a level surface and then apply pressure until the coffee has an even, polished look. Note: coarser grounds will require a firmer tamp than finer grounds.

Step 4: Brew
Place the portafilter into your machine’s brew head and place your preheated cup beneath it. Grab a timer and time your shot – this is critical to learning how to pull a perfect shot. Initiate the pull and watch carefully!

sources: justcoffee.coop & thecoffeebrewers.com